French Bureaucracy: Tips for Tackling Paperwork in France

stacks of papers in folders lined up in a row

As a seasoned American immigrant who’s been in and of France a number of times, I’ve accumulated plenty of tricks and tools that I can directly attribute to my success dealing with French administration. Here are my top tips for tackling your next French dossier so that you can navigate your paperwork successfully, whether you are applying for a visa or making a permanent move to Cheeseland!

How to Exchange Your American Driver’s License in France

French driver's license, permis de conduire

As an American coming to France, whether you are moving here or just visiting, you can drive using your US driver’s license for a limited period of time. In the case of a long stay or establishing residence in France, it is important to note that your American license will typically only be valid for the first year of your residence. Read on to find out how long your US license is valid for in France and how to exchange it for a French driving permit (permis de conduire).

13 Everyday Things That Surprised Me About Paris When I First Arrived

view of Eiffel Tower from Pont de Bir-Hakeim on a cloudy day

As we all know, things are rarely what they look like in the movies or in romanticized novels. We learn so much more about the world around us when we experience things first hand. Here are some everyday things that surprised me about Paris when I first arrived. These aren’t necessarily culture shocks, just things that stood out to me in my initial observations.