Language Requirements for Immigration to France

girl reading on a Paris café terrace with a coffee, pack of cigarettes, and ashtray on the table

If you’re considering moving to France, you may be wondering if knowing French is required for immigration. That’s a great question to ask, as France only has one official language—French! Different levels of French are required at different stages of the immigration process and for certain residence permits. Let’s take a look at the details of the language requirements in France, from your first visa to your carte de séjour to French nationality.

OFII Integration Contract & Civics Classes

OFII integration contract folder

Depending on your visa category, you’ll have different requirements with l’Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration (OFII). When I switched to the carte de séjour vie privée et familiale (CdS VPF) after marrying my French husband, I had to fulfill more requirements with OFII. Namely, I had to pass a French language test, sign an integration contract (CIR), and attend four civics classes.